Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Gateway to India: Children's stories

Gateway to India: Children's Stories by James McEldowney 1997
Table of Contents -list of stories

My dad, James McEldowney, wrote 33 short stories (each 3-4 pages long) for his grand and great grand children of events in his life, keeping the language appropriate to their ages. 

      They are quite charming and interesting - "Go West" about his trip with a friend in the late 1920s is the most popular story. 

     I'm going to try to put the stories into this blog. 

Here's a list of the titles with their page numbers - 

#1 Feathers Are For Chickens 1 
#2 Grandfathers 4 
#3 Teacher - Teacher 9
#4 Go West, Young Man, Go West! 12 
#5 India, Here We Come 15 
#6 Kashmir - a Fairy Land 19 
#7 Living In Tents 23 
#8 Golconda, A Famous Fort 27 
#9 On The Border Of Tibet 30 
#10 Ruth's Rat 33 
#11 Alone At Sea In Wartime 35 
#12 Bachelor Days 40 
#13 A Dinosaur Bone 43 
#14 The Mercy Ship Gripsholm 45 
#15 Barbara's Birthday Elephant 49 
#16 Little Frogs And Baby Chicks 52 
 #17 In The Jungles Of Jagdalpur 55 
#18 My Visit With Mahatma Gandhi 59 
#19 Christmas Comes To India 62 
#20 Lost In London 65 
#21 Up The Rhine 68 
#22 In A National Game Preserve 72 
#23 Snakes And More Snakes 74 
#24 Hiking And Camping In The Himalayas 77 
#25 The Prodigal Returns 81 
#26 Betty Ann And I Go To A Hindu Festival 84 
#27 Village Christians Celebrate Easter 88 
#28 A Kashmir Holiday 90 
#29 Was It Scary? 95 
#30 The School Party 99 
#31 Barbara Tells Of India 103 
#32 In Memory Of Kent Schulz and Christy Conard 106 
#33 My World Since 1907 110 

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