- Sarkar, Tanika, Bandyopadhyaya, Sekhara. Calcutta : the stormy decades. 2015.
- Singh, Lata, Pati, Biswamoy. Colonial and contemporary Bihar and Jharkhand. 2014.
- Javid, Khalid. Nimat khanah. 2014. Contents: Novel based on social themes.
Bronner, Yigal, Shulman, David Dean, Tubb,Gary A. Innovations and turning points : toward a history of Kavya literature. 2014.
- Rahi, Onkara. Growth and tradition of Pahari miniature painting. 2013.
- P. C. Jain. Early Indian art and architecture. 2015.
- Lokesh Chandra, International Academy of Indian Culture. The Buddhist cosmopolis. 2014.
- Joseph C., Mathew, Jamia Millia Islamia (India), Centre for Pakistan Studies. Understanding Pakistan : emerging voices from India. 2015.
Contents: Contributed articles presented at a seminar organized by Centre for Pakistan Studies, MMAJ Academy of International Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.
- Ashraf, Tariq. Election 2014 : a complete documentation & analysis of Indian parliamentary elections since 1952. 2015.
- Global Tiger Forum (Noida, India), Secretariat, Wildlife Trust of India. Action Tiger : Tiger action plans of 13 tiger range countries. 2014.
- Amarinder Singh. Honour and fidelity : India's military contribution to the great war 1914-18. 2014.
- Mishra,Giri Ratna. Lankesa Ravana's Uddisa Tantra = Uddisatantra : with Sarveshwari English commentary & introduction. 2015.
Contents: Tantric text on black magic etc.
- Masud Khan, Muhammad Athar, Cand, A'ishah. Do gaz zamin : afsane va inshay'e. 2013. Contents: Selected short stories, essay and plays on various themes; includes contributed articles on the life and works of Muhammad Athar Masud Khan, 1961, Urdu author.
- Husena, Jabira. Yih shahar lage mohe ban. 2014.
- Jayarasibhatta, Nyaupane, Kasinatha, sarma, Ambikadatta, Jayarasibhatta, Jayarasibhatta.Tattvopaplavasimhah. 2015. Contents: Critically edited Sanskrit text with Hindi translation on Carvaka school of philosophy, with refutation of other schools in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.
- Vasupujya. Danasasana. 2009. Contents: Sanskrit text with Hindi explanation on Jaina doctrines of charity.
Collected by Philip McEldowney, Library. 2016 June 16.